We are proud to announce that the Latin American Health Alliance has received a Municipal Matching grant from the Mosaic Opioid Recovery Partnership. With this grant, we are part of an innovative team effort with Massachusetts Department of Public Health and RIZE Massachusetts Foundation to double the impact of municipal opioid settlement funds.
Through this first round of Mosaic Municipal Matching grants, almost $3M in opioid settlement funding will be directed to our communities to remediate the harms of the opioid overdose crisis. Here at Latin American Health Alliance, we are excited to put these funds to work through our Café Reyes Program which offers tailored supports, including enhanced soft skills training, job placement assistance, and ongoing mentorships leading to long-term stability through the integration of education and employment navigation and peer recovery coaching.
Learn more at Who We Support - Mosaic - RIZE Massachusetts
The Hector Reyes House is an innovative model of residential substance use treatment. Our program provides services for 25 Latino men and it offers in-house medical treatment, along with intensive cognitive behavioral therapy. We address nationally recognized health care inequities, We offer training and employment options designed to promote recovery, and reduce the odds of relapse. This is the only Latino treatment facility in Central Massachusetts.
The mission of the Latin American Health Alliance is to identify and address the significant health disparities that exist for Latinos living in the greater Worcester area. LAHA advocates for the Latino Community; researches and responds to important social issues that affect the Worcester area Latino population. LAHA implements initiatives and programs that address identified service gaps.
Treatment is not likely to be successful by simply treating people for a few months and letting them go. Long term survival demands that we give individuals the tools they need in order to maintain and support themselves after they leave the facility. It is with this in mind is why LAHA championed the other two facets of the HRH program that make it unique.
LAHA runs two recovery houses next door to the treatment center. This program, Casa REYES, and Casa Mattie allow those in recovery to live on their own while still maintaining contact with the treatment center and participating in groups and activities with those at HRH. Recently this year 2019, the program purchased and renovated another transition house to help combat the significant housing issues. This house will be opening soon and will provide affordable, stable, safe housing for the graduates.
Without a source of income, without job skills, the chance of long term success is remote. To combat this the Latin American Health Alliance opened Café Reyes, a café that serves as a job training program for residents of HRH and its graduates.

Supporting Latino Men in Worcester
The mission of the Latin American Health Alliance is to address the significant health inequities that exist for Latinx living in the greater Worcester area. LAHA advocates for the Latinx Community; researches and responds to important social issues that affects the Worcester area Latinx population.
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